De Chimera® Method

The collaboration

The Chimera® concept is composed in such a way that your organization is in control of how you want to manage and implement the quality system. Chimera® provides the “tools” and, where necessary, the support through experts.

The 2 pillars on which the Chimera® concept is based are:

Chimera® Technology

The way to let you work in a user-friendly environment where all your documents and actions can be recorded. Chimera® provides a secure digital environment and a tailor-made structure to meet the standard elements. You determine the extent to which your organization gives substance to the quality process and its registration.

Within Chimera®, combinations are possible with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 17020, ISO 26000, ISO 27001,  ISO 45001, VCA, CO2 registrations and The Safety Culture Ladder.

After an initial inventory, a Chimera® environment is compiled based on the available modules with all relevant templates in order to arrive at a proper implementation of the standard elements. When all points have been covered and you have a clear overview, the implementation has actually already started!

Our senior consultants know the ins and outs of different standards so that they can be added to your management system in the right way.

The Chimera® concept is not workplace bound. Multiple locations within one organization can use the same program. Depending on the organizational structure, multiple read and write permissions can be assigned to both employees and sites.

Remote auditing has been performed without problems by various auditors from Certification Bodies with Chimera®; it saves a lot of time, travel costs and CO-2!

Chimera® Consultancy

Based on our view that the new standards offer a lot of room for individual interpretation and require further involvement of management, our support is focused on information transfer and we encourage you to get the best out of the organization. Chimera® assists with its expertise to arrive at the correct practical implementation of the quality management system. Chimera® monitors the system and advises you on the actions to be taken. This makes management systems fun to work with again!

Based on the wishes and possibilities of your organization, an action plan is drawn up for optimal guidance based on the customized Chimera® modules.

During the implementation, all standard elements that apply to your organization will be discussed. Based on our core value of discovering, we teach you to look at the organization in a different way and to “do it yourself”. We are happy to share our expertise: inventory, analyse and learn!

Further guidance in the process of guaranteeing the relevant standards within your organization is laid down in a customized agreement. The collaboration with Chimera Projects b.v. gives air to your organization.

Improvement model PCPC

The High Level Structure (HLS) offers the possibility to treat and document various standards within the same system. The Plan-Chance – Perform -Change (PCPC) improvement model emphasizes the interaction that is continuously present and important within the quality system.